Image of a mother lifting her child

About The NDC Institute

Do your patients struggle with conflicting advice about how to best care for their baby? Would you like more genuinely evidence-based clinical tools and resources for helping with breastfeeding or feeding challenges, infant sleep or cry-fuss problems, infant sensory motor needs and development, and parents' psychological resilience through the perinatal period?

Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC or the Possums programs) is a paradigm shift in evidence-based early life care and is already contributing to change in healthcare practice internationally.

The NDC Institute offers multi-media courses, delivered flexibly and self-paced with weekly live online components, tailored to suit your level of professional expertise. Upskill in the latest, evidence-based care of parents with infants, and join our movement for change in early life care!

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Image of a mother hugging her child

What we offer

We offer a range of courses to address the educational needs of medical practitioners, registered health professionals, and providers or educators. Click on one of the courses below to learn more.

Our free resources

In addition to our courses, we also offer a series of free articles and resources for health professionals, providers and educators to use.

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Image of a father and mother hugging their child

Testimonials from health professionals