Mechanobiology: a frontier science which explores the effects of mechanical pressures on living tissues
What is mechanobiology?
Mechanobiology is an emerging field of science, sometimes referred to as a new frontier in biology.
Mechanical pressure occurs everywhere in the natural world. Plants alter their growth and shape in response to gravity, wind, or touch. The surface of an insect's body is covered with mechanosensors which guide locomotion.
Mechanobiology studies the way physical forces act on, and regulate living tissues, either from within or from the outside. Mechanobiology is an integral component of cell differentiation, tissue renewal and homeostasis.
The science of mechanobiology is interdisciplinary, arising from the fields of physiology, cellular and molecular biology, chemistry, structural engineering, biomechanics, and biophysics.
In Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC or the Possums programs), the science of mechanobiology is fundamental to our understanding of human breastfeeding and lactation, and to the development of clinical guidelines.
What kinds of physical forces act upon or within biological systems?
A range of different mechanical forces impact biological systems. These are
Membrane tension
Hydrostatic pressure
Shear stress
What is the difference between biomechanics and mechanobiology?
Biomechanics is the study of the mechanical behavior of biologic structures, at any scale.
Mechanobiology is the study of the effects of forces and deformations on living systems (whole organisms, tissues, groups of cells and their matrix, individual cells, subcellular structures, proteins, and molecules), at any scale.
What is mechanosensing?
Mechanosensing is the process of converting mechanical stimuli into biomechemical signals. Living cells not only generate forces, they sense and respond to mechanical forces or physical cues.
In mammals, mechanosensing affects cell function and numerous biological processes, including
Embryological development and cell differentiation
Tissue repair, and
Disease progression.
Sensing: mechanobiological pathway #1
The first mechnobiological task of living cells, tissues and organs is to sense mechanical or physical forces, known as mechanosensing.
Mechanosensors (also called mechanoreceptors) are proteins which change in response to physical forces (or mechanical stimulatoin).
Mechanosensors are located in two places, either
On the surface of cells, extending through the cell membrane. Cell surface mechanosensors include integrins, cadherins, and ion channels. Integrins, for example, play a pivotal role in cellular mechanosensing by physically connecting proteins found inside the cell (focal adhesion proteins), to the extracellular matrix.
Inside the cell, including as the cytoskeleton, nucleoskeleton, focal adhesion proteins, and other proteins also organised into molecular complexes specifically responsive to physical signals.
Transduction: mechanobiological pathway #2
After mechanosensors are changed by a mechanical stimulus, mechanosensing transforms into biochemical signals, in a process known as mechanotransduction. Mechanotransduction pathways include mechanosensitive proteins and organelles, which trigger cascades of biochemical signals.
Therefore, any pushing, pulling, or twisting of the extracellular matrix is sensed by cells through two mechanisms.
The extracellular matrix has a direct physical connection to the nucleus of the cell, starting with transmembrane mechanosensors such as integrins and cadherins which bind to ligands in the extracellular matrix, like collagen. Through this physical connection, any mechanical perturbation of the extracellular matrix can be directly transmitted to the nucleus, consequently affecting cell behavior and function.
Mechanical inputs to the cell are transduced into biochemical or electrical signals, through mechanotransduction. Through cell membrane-associated mechanosensitive proteins, the cell is able to perceive mechanical stimuli and trigger mechanosignaling cascades.
Responding to gene expression: mechanobiological pathway #3
Cells respond to mechanosensing and mechanotransduction with epigenetic modification of gene expression. The cascade of signals triggered by mechanical transduction determine the fate and behavior of cells by triggering these epigenomic modifications, which regulate gene expression, which further activates key signalling pathways.
How does mechanobiology help us understand the human physiology?
Human tissues are constantly under static and dynamic mechanical loads. Cell mechanosensing and mechanotransduction regulate human biological processes in a myriad ways. Tissues rely on their individual cells to adapt and function in dynamic and physically demanding environments. As you glance through the following list of examples of how mechanobiology shapes human physiology, you'll start to understand why mechanobiology is fundamental to human health and wellbeing, even though this has only been recently recognised and the mechanisms are still being elucidated.
These impacts of mechanobiology in these physiologial systems may seem more obvious to you
Compressive loads on cartilage and bone during exercise
Joint movement and muscle contraction
Generation of blood pressure
Flow-induced shear stress in the vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems
Gut peristalsis
The somatosensory nervous system
Perception of touch, light touch, pressure, vibration, perceived by cutaneous mechanosensors which carry the signals for interpretation in the brain.
Perception of pain, perceived by nociceptors and interpreted in the brain.
Perception of sound, which is converted into mechanical vibration and interpreted in the brain.
The following physiological processes are also fundamentally shaped by mechanosensing but this may seem much less obvious
Cells sense and respond to mechanical cues in embryogenesis. The importance of growth factors and morphogens in the process of growing a single cell into a multi-system organism has long been recognised. But the crucial roles that physical forces and properties play in successful tissue development has only recently begun to be understood.
Mechanical forces regulate a wide range of cellular activities, including morphogenesis, cell division, protein conformation, migration, polarization, and proliferation.
Interstitial fluid pressure is regulated at the local tissue level by mechanosensing of pressures, which are affected by factors such as capillary filtration mediated influx, lymph outflow, and the ability of the tissue to expand.
Mechanosensing and mechanotransduction play vital roles in the cross-talk between stem cells and microenvironments, and how these dynamic interplays are critical in the control of stem cell identity, function and differentiation.
A multitude of mechanical cues affect the polarization sate of macrophages, dicating their function as either pro-inflammatory or pro-healing. T-cells, too, are fundamentally mechanosensitive. B-cells rely on mechanical feedback to assess their interaction with antigens. Dendritic cells and other leukocytes, which migrate with their large nucleus facing forwad, use their nucleus as a mechanical gauge to problem the pore-size of their microenvironment and to choose the path of least resistance.
How does mechanobiology help us understand human disease or pathology?
While medicine has typically looked for the genetic and biochemical basis of disease, advances in mechanobiology suggest that changes in cell mechanics, extracellular matrix structure, or mechanotransduction may contribute to the development of many diseases.
All cells are highly sensitive to their physical microenvironment. The field of mechanobiology is leading to advancements in repairing and regenerating damaged tissue, constructing engineered tissues and organs, and providing therapy for diseases. An understanding of mechanobiological mechanisms is helping to generate novel perspectives on the progression and treatment of diseases, as well as the development of new medical devices and biomaterials.
Mechanical inputs such as flow induced fluid shear stress and contractility play a crucial role in cardiovascular system dysfunctions, including the effects of atherosclerosis and altered mechanical properties of the heart, resulting in cardiac ischaemia or cardiac failure.
Physical stimuli (tension and pressure) regulate the mechanosensor proteins which affect development and spatiotemporal organization of the nervous system and brain diseases. These mechanosensing pathways become dysfunctional in conditions such as traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases, or neuroblastoma.
Cancer was originally believed to be caused solely by genetic mutations affecting cell proliferation, differentiation, survival. But there is now recognition that mechanical factors such as the stiffness, structure and porosity of the local microenvironment can promote tumorigenesis and modulate critical steps during cancer progession.
For example, breast cancer researchers have found that the stiffness of the local microenvironment can modify the behaviour of mammary eithelial cells as they transition from normal alveoli formation to loss of polarity, uncontrolled growth, and invasion. A stiff and fibrous stromal environment promotes invasiveness by upregulating and acivating mechanosensitive calcium channels and altering mechanosensitive signaling pathways. It's now widely accepted that women with dense mammary tissue have much higher risk of developing breast cancer.
There is also a strong mechanical basis for many generalized medical disabilities, including
Lower back pain
Foot and postural injury
Joint disease and arthritis
Irritable bowel syndrome
Pulmonary fibrosis.
Again, as you consider this discussion on mechanobiology and disease or medical conditions, I trust it becomes obvious to you, as it has been to me, that mechanobiology is a critical component of understanding and clinically responding to the kinds of problems which emerge in breastfeeding and lactation - but which has been overlooked, until very recently.
The big picture: quantum physics, gravitational science, and evolution
Please bear with me here for a minute!
The biggest picture, and frankly, the fundamental context for any scientific endeavour in human health and wellbeing, starts with the Universe, that unthinkable, ever-expanding, primordial womb of creativity composed of two trillion galaxies (each of which contains about 100 billion stars). Every particle which makes up our human body was created 14 billion years ago in the Primordial Flaring Forth of our Universe, more latterly recycled and given to us by the explosion of stars.
One of the stunning mysteries of the Universe revealed to us by the brilliant quantum physicists and mathematical cosmologists of the 20th century and now by the extraordinary cosmogenesis story emerging from these sciences in the 21st century, is the discovery that everything in the Universe acts gravitationally on everything else, from the most microscopic through to the most macroscopic of entities.
Gravitational mathematics teaches us the laws of physical forces and mechanical pressures which continue to determine the constraints within which the Universe, the Earth's geophysical forms, and life on Earth has evolved. As a result, mechanical forces act upon and shape the evolution of every single entity and every single living cell.
Yet until the last few years, the foundational effect of gravitational and mechanical forces on the unfolding of Earth's complex biological ecosystems has been largely overlooked. Although mechanical pressures shape the way genes are expressed and the way biological tissues develop, mechanobiology has not featured much at all to date in the study of health and disease. Nor have the effects of mechanobiology been considered in the breastfeeding mother and infant, at least not until very recently, despite the elemental impact of mechanical forces on breastfeeding and lactation.
For the first time in our field of clinical breastfeeding and lactation support, the NDC Clinical Guidelines place mechanobiological principles in their proper place, at the very foundation of our models and our clinical interventions. You can find out about this, starting here, here, and here.
Selected references
Douglas P. Re-thinking benign inflammation of the lactating breast: a mechanobiological model. Women's Health. 2022;18:17455065221075907.
Douglas PS. Re-thinking benign inflammation of the lactating breast: classification, prevention, and management. Women's Health. 2022;18:17455057221091349.
Douglas PS. Re-thinking lactation-related nipple pain and damage. Women's Health. 2022;18:17455057221087865.
Kim T-J. Mechanobiology: a new frontier in biology. Biology. 2021;10(570):
Kobayashi K, Han L, Lu S-N, Ninomiya K, Isobe N, Nishimura T. Effects of hydrostatic ompression on milk production-related signaling pathways in mouse mammary epithelial cells. Experimental Cell Research. 2023;432:113762.
Noam Zuela-Sopilniak, Lammerding J. Can’t handle the stress? Mechanobiology and disease. Trends in Molecular Medicine. 2022;28(9):710-725.
Stewart TA, Hughes K, Stevenson AJ, Marino N, Ju AL, Morehead M, et al. Mammary mechanobiology - investigating roles for mechanically activated ion channels in lactation and involution. Journal of Cell Science. 2021;134:doi:10.124/jcs.248849.