NDC Lactation Modules
What is in an NDC Lactation Module?
The NDC Lactation Modules provide the latest evidence-based information about how to make breastfeeding and lactation work as easily and enjoyably as possible. They are developed by Dr Pamela Douglas, GP-researcher, Breastfeeding Medicine Physician and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, assisted by The NDC Institute's Senior Medical Educator Dr Cassie Rickard.
Pam has worked for decades in the clinic supporting breastfeeding and lactating women, and her work and research publications concerning breastfeeding and lactation support are changing practice internationally.
The NDC Institute is making these modules available for any interested member of the public. We recommend that in addition to an NDC Lactation Module, you also purchase access to The Possums Sleep Program, if you don't already have access as a member of The NDC Institute. This is because at the moment, whilst The NDC Institute and the parent-facing Possums site remain under development, important aspects of the NDC Lactation Modules build on the wealth of material available in The Possums Sleep Program/Breastfeeding.
The NDC Lactation Modules are accompanied by a guest speaker program, available here.
What do the NDC Lactation Modules contain?
On each selected topic, an NDC Lactation Module contains advanced content for health professionals and providers, or scientifically minded members of the public. Once completed, the NDC Lactation Modules will form a series of 13 modules, which cover all aspects of breastfeeding and lactation.
You can now purchase the following NDC Lactation Modules:
The Fussy Breastfed Infant
Nipple Pain and Wounds in Breastfeeding and Lactation
Breast Inflammation in Lactation
Please note: the section on Abscess, Galactocoele, Phlegmon and Fistula in the Lactating Breast, which comprises one part of the module on Breast Inflammation in Lactation, is freely available to the public.
Possums Breastfeeding and Lactation also known as Breastfeeding stripped bare (BSB)
By the end of 2024 we plan to have Possums Breastfeeding and Lactation also known as Breastfeeding Stripped Bare available under the Dr Pam & Possums parent-facing online content.
BSB is embedded in the very latest evidence and models about how to make breastfeeding work for a woman and her baby, and how to deal with breastfeeding challenges. This parent-facing breastfeeding and lactation content is written using stories and easy-to-understand language (and has two levels, THE BASICS and WHEN YOU NEED TO KNOW MORE), which make sense of how to approach even the most complex breastfeeding and lactation problem. BSB supports breastfeeding and lactating women to take the power back into their own hands (and breasts and bodies) when they encounter breastfeeding problems, in collaboration with their breastfeeding support professional, as necessary.
NDC Lactation Modules: health professional content
The Lactation Modules are written for health professionals who are experienced NDC Accredited Practitioners and who are undertaking advanced NDC training in clinical breastfeeding and lactation support. The Lactation Modules build on Breastfeeding Stripped Bare. You can find out more about the NDC Lactation Fellowship here. We are also making the Lactation Modules available to the public.
Each module's health professional content contains, relevant to the topic
NDC Clinical Guidelines (downloadable pdf)
NDC Workbook (downloadable pdf)
Pre-recorded videos (Dr Pamela Douglas)
Text and audio content
Theoretical foundations
Clinical translations, available as a wealth of mandatory content for competent practice and optional content for your interest
Relevant references and research publications.
How long will it take to make your way through each module?
Each module is expected to take a health professional at least ten hours of self-paced reading, listening or viewing of the content marked mandatory. However, each module contains about 30 hours of content to read or listen to, in total. Each module intends to offer the latest, comprehensive information relevant to clinical practice on that particular topic.
Why is NDC breastfeeding and lactation different to standard breastfeeding medicine or clinical breastfeeding and lactation support approaches?
Currently within our health systems in advanced economies, there is widespread conflicting advice for breastfeeding problems, and unnecessary pathologising of breastfeeding women and their babies, who also report limited access to truly effective help available when common problems arise.
This is occurring because the knowledge required to best help breastfeeding and lactation problems is still a research frontier. Unfortunately, many available approaches to breastfeeding and lactation support use unnecessary and expensive pharmaceuticals, surgery or bodywork exercises, which lack an evidence-base and which, in the absence of evidence, often also lack a scientific physiological, functional or anatomic rationale.
There is also signficant overservicing of breastfeeding mothers and their babies in advanced economies, without measurable impact upon breastfeeding rates. Ideological positions concerning breastfeeding and lactation continue to underpin both overservicing and overtreatment. At the same time, unnecessary treatments and exercises bring unexpected side-effects, and can even make breastfeeding challenges worse.
The NDC Lactation Modules offer effective ways to help women breastfeed, stripped bare of unnecessary treatments. We believe these modules are the way of the future in breastfeeding support, building on the NDC breastfeeding and lactation work which Pam has published in the international research literature. There are now nine evaluation studies, eight of which are published in the international research literature, showing the benefits of NDC for families.
For how long will you be able to access the module and its content?
You'll have 12 months from date of purchase in which to access the module and its content. If you wish to have access for longer, you'll need to re-purchase (at the same price).
If you're a health professional who is interested in upskilling to practice Breastfeeding Medicine or becoming an NDC Lactation Consultant using these modules, it's necessary to become NDC Accredited first. Otherwise, the modules are available for your interest and self-education.