Purchase Sleep, Baby & You

A collaboration between the Durham Infant Sleep Centre and the Possums Programs

The following options are available for purchase:

Sleep, Baby & You

Sleep, Baby & You upskills providers in the most up-to-date sleep science; how to keep everyone's sleep in sync; how to promote manageable infant sleep patterns without leaving babies alone or crying.

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NDC for Providers + Educators

Our NDC Program for Providers + Educators offers an exciting opportunity providers and educators whose qualification and scope of practice doesn't fall into the category of registered health professional to upskill in Neuroprotective Developmental Care (NDC)

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NDC Accreditation & Masterclasses Bundle

Save 22.5% by committing to the full NDC Accreditation Pathway including both sets of NDC Masterclasses upfront.

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Accreditation in Neuroprotective Developmental Care

Advanced Clinical Skills for Management of Breastfeeding, Feeds, Unsettled Infant Behaviour, Parent Mood

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Maintenance of Accreditation in Neuroprotective Developmental Care

This course can be purchased following the completion of NDC Accreditation and can be purchased in the Education Hub.

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