Purchase NDC Accreditation

Accreditation in Neuroprotective Developmental Care or the Possums Programs

The following options are available for purchase:

NDC Accreditation*

*Only available if you completed both NDC Masterclasses with the Possums charity prior to its closure in August 2023.

Includes the following courses:

  • NDC Accreditation
  • Resource Hub
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NDC Accreditation & Masterclasses Bundle

Save 22.5% by committing to the full NDC Accreditation Pathway including both sets of NDC Masterclasses upfront.

Includes the following courses:

  • baby sleep (0-12 months)
  • breastfeeding
  • caring for you
  • Clinical Breastfeeding Support Masterclasses
  • deeper dive
  • education & research articles
  • find essentials quiz
  • Infant Cry-fuss Problems, Sleep & Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Masterclasses
  • little people + food
  • NDC Accreditation
  • newborn sleep (0-4 weeks)
  • podcasts
  • preparing before birth
  • Resource Hub
  • sleep safety: place + position
  • Sleep, Baby & You
  • stories + demos by parents
  • toddler sleep (12-36 months)
  • when baby cries a lot (brief & simple)
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